Now look at a window and say Fenestram video (“I see a/the window”). Look at a table and say aloud Mensam video (“I see the/a table”). Now, all we have to do to start speaking Latin is to use video (“I see/am seeing”) together with one of these four forms. Note that Latin does not have a definite or indefinite article like the English “a/a” and “the.” fenestra – fenestram (“a / the window”).Let’s learn the accusative of the nouns above: Depending on the noun, it can be -um, ‑am, ‑em. In Latin, the accusative singular is used when exerting an action upon one object, and it usually ends in -m. This is done in English as well, to a much lesser extent, e.g., I see her. The accusative in Latin is used to indicate the object of an action. Now, since Latin uses case endings to indicate the function of a word in a sentence, we need to learn one form right away: the accusative singular. Here is a list of common household items in Latin: Everything is concrete and connected to you.įirst, we need the verb video (“I see”). It’s an exercise in starting to describe one’s surroundings and what you are doing-all in Latin. It is a simple exercise requiring only one verb and a couple of nouns. I have my students do this exercise every day from the start. Suggested reading: Can Latin be Spoken? - Common questions Cabinet of Curiosities from Dell’Historia Naturale di Ferrante Imperato Napolitano libri XXVIII, 1599, Museo di Ferrante Imperato. cav, dpend, concalefacio, queror, rscor, possde, refric, circumscind, coagment, praenunti, superincd, inntsc, redargu, lncinor, commetior, faci, anntor, abig, temer, refund, depopul, contine, renscor, obteg, cnsenti, retempt, sd, revolv, trnscrb, squle, calle, remand, aude, possum, inclm, comit, disc. It’s not a quick fix it will require work and time. This is the exercise that I have my students start with and it does wonders.Īfter reading this article, you will be able to start practicing today, five minutes after reading this article. Whether you are a beginner to Latin or a seasoned college professor who wants to incorporate the use of spoken Latin into the pedagogy, as many do these days, here is an exercise to get started, even if you’ve never spoken a word of Latin before. Speaking Latin will help you develop the confidence and instinctive knowledge of Latin to read well. Speaking will help with this, but you still need to read and listen to a lot of Latin. Speaking Latin is one of several key aspects that will help you gain a strong command of Latin-to speak you have to internalize the endings, syntax, and vocabulary so that it becomes second nature.
Today we are focusing on the first point: how to start to speak Latin.

by studying and mastering the contents of a select few books.by speaking to myself for months, and later with others.Speaking to oneself is a great way to start to speak Latin. At conferences and in emails, people ask me how I learned to speak Latin fluently. Today, I speak Latin every day during my teaching sessions, in our videos, and with friends. can be more than one BAP for a pair of form, although that rarely happens in practice.
I taught myself to speak Latin and I learned to read comfortably. Download Table Latin noun endings organized by declensions from. If you want to hear more about my journey, listen to this talk I gave in Latin at a conference in Florence. Translating all the time robs you of the joy that is understanding Ovid or Sallust in Latin.Īfter several years I realized that speaking Latin was one of the missing components keeping me from achieving fluency in reading. Like most people who study Latin at university for years, I struggled to read and understand Latin as Latin-translating is not reading.

Sometimes those two forms are correct.Do you want to learn to read Latin well-without looking for the verb or checking the dictionary every other sentence? It is possible to read Latin well and understand it without translating, although you will need commentaries for some literature. Some words create plural by adding an ending -s, in others stand rules imported from original languages. Simple and quite rules of creating plural get a little complicated when it comes to words of foreign origin especially from classical Greek, Latin, French and Italian. Article navigation: Plural form of foreign nouns Plural form of foreign nouns